


[翻訳]Guice User's Guide ■26. Development Stages


Guice is aware that your application goes through different stages of development. You can tell it which stage the application is running in when you create a container. Guice currently supports "development" and "production." We've found that tests usually fall under one stage or the other.

Guiceは、アプリケーションが「開発・テスト環境ステージ」から別のステージへの移行に対応しています。コンテナを生成する際に、アプリケーションが実行されるステージを設定する事が出来ます。Guiceは現在のところ「"development" :開発環境」と「"production.":本番環境」 に対応しています。テストは通常一つの環境で行います。

During development, Guice will load singleton objects on demand. This way, your application starts up fast and only loads the parts you're testing.


In production, Guice will load all your singleton objects at startup. This helps catch errors early and takes any performance hits up front.


Your modules can also apply method interceptors and other bindings based on the current stage. For example, an interceptor might verify that you don't use your objects out of scope during development.
