


Guice2.0 beta 紹介記事の翻訳(6)

原文:IBM Developer : Sorry, that page no longer exists
訳1:Guice2.0 beta 紹介記事の翻訳(1) - 山本大の日記
訳2:Guice2.0 beta 紹介記事の翻訳(2) - 山本大の日記
訳3:Guice2.0 beta 紹介記事の翻訳(3) - 山本大の日記
訳4:Guice2.0 beta 紹介記事の翻訳(4) - 山本大の日記
訳5:Guice2.0 beta 紹介記事の翻訳(5) - 山本大の日記


By default, Guice creates a new instance of each dependency you ask for. If your objects are lightweight, this policy will serve you well. However, if you have an expensive-to-create dependency, you may want to share an instance among several clients. In Listing 19, HeroModule binds the HeavyWaterRefinery as a singleton:


リスト19.重水精製装置をシングルトンでバインドする。(HeavyWaterRefinery bound as a singleton)

public class HeroModule implements Module {
  public void configure(Binder binder) {

Are singletons evil?
If you search the Web for "singletons are evil," you'll find plenty of blog posts, articles, and rants about singletons. It turns out that there's a difference between an "application singleton" and a "JVM singleton" (which is the kind commentators rail against). The JVM singleton enforces its "singletonness" by using linguistic tricks and by forcing clients to reference it using a static reference. An application singleton, on the other hand, doesn't enforce this policy. Another layer (for example, Guice) enforces that one instance of the class exists per application. Client code doesn't know about this rule, and this keeps the design flexible and tests easy to write.
This means Guice will keep the refinery around, and whenever another instance requires a fuel source, Guice will inject the same refinery. This prevents more than one refinery from starting up in the application.
Guice offers you an option when you select scopes. You can configure them using the binder, or you can annotate the dependency directly, as in Listing 20:

シングルトンは悪でしょうか?Webで"シングルトンは悪だ(singletons are evil)"と検索すると、シングルトンに対する罵詈雑言を書いた沢山の記事やブログが見つかることでしょう。(熱心な抗議解説者によると)それらは結局、アプリケーションシングルトンと、JVMシングルトンとの違いであるとわかります。

リスト20.代わりに、アノテーションによってスコープを選択する(Choosing scope with an annotation instead)

public class HeavyWaterRefinery implements FuelSource {...}

Guice provides Singleton scope out of the box, but it allows you to define your own scopes if you wish. As an example, the Guice servlet package supplies two additional scopes: Request and Session, which serve up a unique instance of your class per servlet request and servlet session.
