


Guice User's Guide ■15. Annotations With Attributes


If you can get by with marker annotations alone, feel free to skip to the next section.


You can also bind to annotation instances, i.e. you can have multiple bindings with the same type and annotation type, but with different annotation attribute values. If Guice can't find a binding to an annotation instance with the necessary attribute values, it will look for a binding to the annotation type instead.


Say for example we have a binding annotation @Named with a single string attribute value.


public @interface Named {
  String value();

If we want to bind to @Named("Bob"), we first need an implementation of Named. Our implementation must abide by the Annotation contract, specifically the implementations of hashCode() and equals().

@Named("Bob")にバインドしたいと思うなら、まずはNamedの実装が必要です。 実装にはAnnotation規約を守って、明示的にhashCode()とequals()を実装しなけれなければなりません。

class NamedAnnotation implements Named {
  final String value;

  public NamedAnnotation(String value) {
    this.value = value;

  public String value() {
    return this.value;

  public int hashCode() {
    // This is specified in java.lang.Annotation.
    return 127 * "value".hashCode() ^ value.hashCode();

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (!(o instanceof Named))
      return false;
    Named other = (Named) o;
    return value.equals(other.value());

  public String toString() {
    return "@" + Named.class.getName() + "(value=" + value + ")";

  public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() {
    return Named.class;

Now we can use this annotation implementation to create bindings to @Named.


  .annotatedWith(new NamedAnnotation("Bob"))

This may seem like a lot of work compared to string based identifiers used by other frameworks, but keep in mind that you can't do this at all with string-based identifiers. Also, you'll find that you get a lot of reuse out of binding annotations.


Since identifying a binding by name is such a common use case, Guice provides a production-worthy implementation of @Named in com.google.inject.name.
